Standing on the precipice of the “Edge of the World” in Saudi Arabia is an experience that transcends geographical location. It’s a place where the vastness of the desert meets the sheer drama of a 1,000-foot escarpment, creating a landscape that feels truly otherworldly.

This dramatic cliff, known locally as Jebel Fihrayn, lies about 100 km northwest of Riyadh. It’s the endpoint of the 800 km long Tuwaiq Mountain range, and its sheer drop offers an unparalleled panorama of the surrounding desert. The uninterrupted view of the horizon, stretching out in all directions, gives rise to the evocative name “Edge of the World.”

The landscape itself tells a story of geological transformation. Millions of years ago, this area was a lush seabed. Now, the wind-carved sandstone cliffs reveal remnants of that ancient past through fossilized marine life scattered across the terrain.

Hiking trails wind down the escarpment, offering a challenging yet rewarding descent. The descent rewards you with breathtaking views of the vast desert, dotted with acacia trees and the occasional camel caravan traversing an ancient trade route.

Beyond the visual spectacle, the Edge of the World holds a unique charm. The silence is profound, broken only by the wind whispering through the canyons. The vastness of the desert induces a sense of awe and introspection, a feeling of standing at the very edge of the known world.

Sunsets at the Edge of the World are particularly mesmerizing. As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows across the desert floor, the sky explodes in a vibrant tapestry of colors. The stark contrast between the fiery sky and the stark desert landscape creates a scene of unparalleled beauty. When night kicks in, the darkness is total, apart a sole tent, and the stars of the Milky Way above your head.

The Edge of the World is more than just a geological wonder; it’s a place where history and nature collide. It’s a reminder of the Earth’s dynamic past and the enduring power of the natural world. It’s a place to reconnect with the vastness of the universe and feel a profound sense of wonder.

The drive from Riyadh exposes some challenges in the off-road part, due lack of signs and dangerous escarpment: I have been lucky enough to visit the Edge of the World a few years back (when I took these photos): it is a captivating destination for adventurous travelers seeking a unique and awe-inspiring experience in the heart of the Saudi Arabian desert.

It's been over 50 years that I travel across the word (and the 7 seas), on business or vacation, always carrying with me a Leica M camera. I started keeping this kind of journal a while ago. Even if sometime I disappear for ages, I'm then coming back with semi-regular updates: publishing is a kind of mirroring of my state and emotions, and you need to take it as it is. All published photos are mine.

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